Recycling & Waste Industry Today
Carpet Recycling UK celebrates its award winners
Carpet Recycling UK held its second annual awards ceremony in June to celebrate the achievements of members who have demonstrated innovation, commitment and best practice in the sector.
The winning individuals and organisations received their trophies and certificates from Mark Shayler of Ape, the environmental creative agency, at the pre-conference dinner in Birmingham.
Neville Hinchliffe, of furniture and flooring retailer Arighi Bianchi, was named Recycling Champion for his enthusiastic commitment to recycling both new carpet off-cuts and post-consumer carpet. The company has worked closely with two recyclers to divert all of its carpet waste from landfill and has recently implemented a zero to landfill policy. Savings on waste disposal of more than £ 5,000 per year are being achieved by these initiatives.
Tony Winder of Winder Carpets Ltd and Louise Abbott of Designer Contracts Ltd were Highly Commended.
Praising Arighi Bianchi’s efforts and determination to achieve zero waste to landfill, CRUK Director Laurance Bird said their decision was unanimous to grant them the top award. “Given the increased number of flooring companies which are benefiting both environmentally and financially by recycling their carpet waste, we experienced corresponding greater competition for this category,” he said.
Greenstream Flooring CIC took the Reuse Member of the Year award for demonstrating successful take back and reuse of carpet tiles from construction and refurbishment projects. In 2014, Greenstream diverted more than 500 tonnes of carpet tiles from landfill, providing huge social, community and environmental benefits.
Greenstream MD Ellen Petts, who could not attend the dinner, received her award from CRUK’s Manager Jane Gardner at the CRUK Conference. Spruce Carpets was Highly Commended.
Designer Contracts Ltd won the Take Back Partner of the Year award for its commitment to the carpet recycling cause. In 2014, it diverted more than 250 tonnes of carpet waste from landfill – a 90% diversion rate. Linney Cooper Ltd and Oxbridge Flooring were Highly Commended.
Recycler of the Year went to Mid UK Recycling Ltd in recognition of its innovative and large-capacity process to drive carpet up the waste hierarchy. Last year, the firm processed 20,000 tonnes of material using its sophisticated recycling techniques.
Four companies were Highly Commended – Desso, James Robinson Fibres td, TUF Recycling BV and Anglo Recycling Technology Ltd.
CRUK is an industry-funded not-for-profit membership organisation set up in 2008 to increase the uptake of carpet recycling in the UK. Members are from across the carpet supply chain. Landfill diversion of carpets has increased from 2% to 28% in seven years; the ultimate goal set by CRUK is 60% landfill diversion by 2020.
Its work includes providing technical support to recyclers, identifying requirements for research and development in carpet recycling and facilitating recycling opportunities. Enquiries are welcomed from all types of organisations interested in finding new outlets for their waste carpet. For more information, please call Marie Rhodes on 0161 440 8325
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