PR & Marketing Industry Today
University award cements community cohesion
The awards recognise the hard work by students, graduates and teams working in local commercial businesses. With a rapidly growing campus network, Unitemps embodies the ethical and community approach, reflecting the aspirations and values of Staffordshire University. Recent figures by the Office for National Statistics showed that in the three months to November 2013, UK unemployment fell by 7.1% with 167,000 more people in work. "Unitemps have provided us with a platform on which to build a successful talent pipeline," said Richard Stone, managing director of Stone Junction. "Helping to improve the employability prospects of students and graduates provides a sustainable route to long term employment."
"The traditional route of going straight into a career from University isn't applicable anymore,” explained winning intern of the year, Zafar Jamati, account executive at Stone Junction, highlighting the benefits of the process. “Although I was well qualified, having done an MBA in international business and a bachelors in IT, the Unitemps route gave me highly varied 'real world' skills, as well as allowing me to test the water in many industry sectors before choosing one I really liked; PR." Stone Junction is a progressive, Stafford based, PR consultancy providing technical PR services to the engineering technology, technology and B2B sectors.
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