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Global Neurology Devices Market Statistics, Facts and Figures, Share, Segmentation and Forecast by 2022
A comprehensive research report created through extensive primary research (inputs from industry experts, companies, stakeholders) and secondary research, the report aims to present the analysis of Global Neurology Device Market on the basis of Analysis By Type (Neuro Stimulation Devices, Interventional Devices, Cerebral Spinal Fluid Management Devices, Neurosurgery Devices), By Region (North America, Europe, APAC and ROW) and By Country (U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, Japan, China, Australia, Brazil and South Africa).
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Over the recent years, the global Neurology industry has been growing rapidly owing to rising number of people with neurological disorders and lack of effective pharmaceutical treatment for neurological disorders. Globally, the growth in neurology device market is driven by rising demand of minimally invasive surgery devices. Globally, the growth in Neurology device market is driven by several MIGS devices entering the market in next five years, rising demand of minimally invasive surgery devices..
According to Azoth Analytics research report, “Global Neurology Devices Market – By Device Type (Neuro-Stimulation, Interventional, Cerebral Spinal Fluid Management, Neurosurgery Devices), By Region, By Country: Opportunities and Forecast (2017-2022) - By Region (N. America, Europe, APAC, ROW), By Country (US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Japan, China, Australia, Brazil, South Africa)”, global market is projected to display a robust growth represented by a CAGR of 9.10% during 2017 – 2022, chiefly driven by rising demand for minimally invasive neurology devices and increased acceptance of neurostimulation devices.
Among the type, Neurostimulation Devices currently dominates the Neurology market. Among the regions, Asia Pacific is predicted to advance at the highest rate, mainly driven by high prevalence of neurological disorders population, rapid economic development and improvement in healthcare infrastructure.
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The report titled, “Global Neurology Devices Market – By Device Type (Neuro-Stimulation, Interventional, Cerebral Spinal Fluid Management, Neurosurgery Devices), By Region, By Country: Opportunities and Forecast (2017-2022) - By Region (N. America, Europe, APAC, ROW), By Country (US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Japan, China, Australia, Brazil, South Africa)”, has covered and analysed the potential of Global Neurology Market and provides statistics and information on market size, shares and growth factors. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment evaluation. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses the emerging trends along with major drivers, challenges and opportunities in the global food service equipment market. Additionally, the report also highlights market entry strategies for various companies across the globe.
Scope of the Report
Global Market (Actual Period: 2012-2016, Forecast Period: 2017-2022)
Global Neurology Devices Market
Global Neurology Devices Market By Type (Neuro Stimulation Devices, Interventional Devices, Cerebral Spinal Fluid Management Devices, Neurosurgery Devices)
Regional Markets – N. America, Europe, APAC, ROW (Actual Period: 2012-2016, Forecast Period: 2017-2022)
Neurology Devices Market
Neurology Devices Market Market, By Type (Neuro Stimulation Devices, Interventional Devices, Cerebral Spinal Fluid Management Devices, Neurosurgery Devices)
Country Analysis - US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Japan, China, Australia, Brazil, South Africa (Actual Period: 2012-2016, Forecast Period: 2017-2022)
Neurology Devices Market
Neurology Devices Market Market, By Type (Neuro Stimulation Devices, Interventional Devices, Cerebral Spinal Fluid Management Devices, Neurosurgery Devices)
Other Report Highlights
Market Dynamics – Trends, Drivers, Challenges
Policy and Regulation
Company Analysis – Boston Scientific, Medtronic, St Jude Medical, Stryker Corporation, DePuy Synthes, B.Braun, Penumbra, Terumo Corporation, Integra LifeSciences, Sophysa
Customization of the Report
The report could be customized according to the client’s specific research requirements. No additional cost will be required to pay for limited additional research.
Major Points From The Table Of Contents:
Research MethodologyExecutive Summary
Strategic Recommendations
Product Overview
Global Neurology Device Market: Growth and Forecast
Global Neurology Devices Market: By Product Type
Global Neurology Devices Market: Regional Analysis
Market Dynamics
Market Trends
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Product Benchmarking
Policy and Regulatory Landscape
Company Profiles
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