Market Research Industry Today
E-waste Management Market Overview with Detailed Analysis, Competitive landscape Forecast to 2021
An e-waste management system establishes a value chain to ensure the collection of improperly abandoned or condemned surplus and obsolete or broken electrical or electronic devices, which is called e-waste. Abandoned, unmanaged electronic devices and equipment pollute the environment, making it unsuitable for human habitation. The advancement of technologies has resulted in the reduction of the lifecycle of electronic products, which in turn increases the obsolescence rate of technologies.
Publisher's analysts forecast the global e-waste management market to grow at a CAGR of 3.98% during the period 2017-2021.
Covered in this report
The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global e-waste management market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the amount of e-waste generated from each region and type of devices that is discarded. Factors such as population growth and e-waste generated by per inhabitant have been considered for forecasting.
The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:
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Key vendors:
Other prominent vendors:
-American Retroworks
-Aqua Metals
-Battery Solutions
-Boliden Group
-Cimelia Resource Recovery
-COM2 Recycling Solutions
-CRT Recycling
-Engitec Technologies
-Exide Technologies
-Global Electric Electronic Processing
-Gopher Resource
-Gravita India
-Johnson Controls
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Market Driver:
-Favorable macroeconomic conditions
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Market Challenge:
-Low awareness of e-waste disposal among consumers and illegal dumping
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Market Trend:
-Growing importance of e-waste recycling
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