IT Industry Today

Global Content Delivery Network Market Set to Grow at a CAGR of 23.4% During 2018-2023

The conventional CDN providers segment was valued at US$ 169.0 Mn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 1.69 Bn by 2025, registering a CAGR of 23.4% over the forecast period.
Published 25 June 2018
Latest Research Report on Global Content Delivery Network Market Added by Garner Insights which covers Market Overview, Future Economic Impact, Competition by Manufacturers, Supply (Production), & Consumption Analysis

Content Delivery Network Market Research Report presents a detailed analysis based on the thorough research of the overall market, particularly on questions that border on the market size, growth scenario, potential opportunities, operation landscape, trend analysis, and competitive analysis of Content Delivery Network Market. This research is conducted to understand the current landscape of the market, especially in 2018. This will shape the future of the market and foresee the extent of competition in the market. This report will also help all the manufacturers and investors to have a better understanding of the direction in which the market is headed.

A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. The goal is to distribute service spatially relative to end-users to provide high availability and high performance. CDNs serve a large portion of the Internet content today, including web objects (text, graphics and scripts), downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications (e-commerce, portals), live streamingmedia, on-demand streaming media, and social networks.


Topmost Leading Manufacturer Covered in this report:
Akamai, CDNetworks, Limelight, MaxCDN, Amazon, Tata, CDN77 

Global Content Delivery Network Market: Product Segment Analysis:
Telecom CDN, Conventional CDN, Other

Global Content Delivery Network Market: Application Segment Analysis
Web Acceleration, Streaming, Gaming, CDN Storage

Geographically it is divided Content Delivery Network market into seven prime regions which are on the basis of sales, revenue, and market share and growth rate.
United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India

More detailed information, please feel free to contact : 

The main points which are answered and covered in this Report are-
  1. What will be the total market size in the coming years till 2021?
  2. What will be the key factors which will be overall affecting the industry?
  3. What are the various challenges addressed?
  4. Which are the major companies included?
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We at Garner provide a comprehensive analysis by providing in-depth reports of the various market verticals. Our Mission is to provide a detailed analysis of the vast markets worldwide backed by ricsh data. Decision makers can now rely on our well-defined data gathering methods to get the correct and accurate market forecasting along with detailed analysis.

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