Health & Safety Industry Today
Veritas Consulting CDM Coordinators offer help with your Health and Safety Files
Veritas Consulting Safety Services are able to help you to create a Health and Safety file for your organisation. The file is a record of steps and other information that can be used in the future. The file consists of a statutory document and given to the client, it contains all the relevant health and safety information they need and is often used once the construction phase comes to an end.
Risks need to be managed throughout each Phase of the Build
The information allows those with health and safety responsibilities to be alerted to the risks that may be encountered throughout the duration of the build. The duty of compiling the health and safety file is given to the principal contractor on the job. The file is then shared with contractors and designers along with any other party who may become involved in the project. The CDM Coordinator will then need to check the information, along with any other members of the design team.
All the information has to be kept up to date with any changes in the project, it's also necessary to keep a record of the document, often as long as the structure is still standing. It's possible to keep a hard copy or an electric copy and this information must be passed onto any new owners of the building. If only parts of the building are sold it's necessary to provide the new buyer with relevant information held in the file.
Get help from the Health and Safety Experts to avoid errors
Our CDM Coordinators are able to help compile the information needed for this vital document. It's not enough to only include minimal information or manuals that will be followed. The Principal Contractor has to find out all the relevant information that will be required. Our CDM Coordinator will need to have plenty of time to look over the information and compile it together for when the Practical Completion is reached.
If you need assistance with this part of Health and Safety Management our Health and Safety Consultants are able to step in to give you a hand. It's just one of the many Health and Safety Services we offer the construction industry.
If you would like to learn more about the Health and Safety File or any of the services offered by Veritas Consulting all you need to do is call us on 0800 1488 677 and speak to one of our team or if you prefer visit our website
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