Engineering Industry Today

Testing, testing, one two

Exciting business growth at Leicester based power resistor manufacturer, Cressall, has allowed the firm to launch a new research and development (R&D) department.
Published 09 December 2014

Exciting business growth at Leicester based power resistor manufacturer, Cressall, has allowed the firm to launch a new research and development (R&D) department. The expansion comes about after long-serving test engineer, Michal Nowotny was promoted to R&D engineer earlier this year.     

Nowotny's promotion now means that more time and manpower can be devoted to Cressall's R&D projects at the newly equipped headquarters. The company has seen the demand for bespoke products skyrocket in the last few years. To respond to this industry need, Cressall has invested in its research, design and test capabilities. 

Newly implemented data capture systems provide a more accurate level of recording test results. The facility boasts computerised 32 channel data logging equipment where test variables such as temperature, power and current can be recorded within the system. 

Cressall’s new test facility provides it with the means to carry out impulse tests of up to 400,000 Volts in order to truly prove designs and test prototypes. Testing facilities also include ingress protection proving, in which a resistor enclosure is tested to ensure that water cannot harmfully penetrate it. 

Cressall's equipment ensures that a product complies with the IEC 60529 standard prior to being submitted to a third party accredited ingress protection test facility, if this is a specific customer requirement.

"The new test facility and data logging equipment allows us to carry our more tests and to record results more accurately," explained Michal Nowotny, Cressall’s chief R&D engineer. "In turn, this enables us to make more accurate predictions when designing resistors. When carrying out impulse testing for instance, we can make performance forecasts for different specifications scaled against our previous findings and results.

"We've come a long way here at Cressall; from having no R&D department, to now looking to expand the facility further. Part of the proposed move is based on our testing facility strategy which includes testing of the EV2 water cooled resistor, in which a dedicated test cell would have to be constructed. This is something we’re very keen to get up and running." 

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