Energy & Environment Industry Today

Rocktron Recruits to Meet Demand

RockTron Limited - the world leader in innovative fly ash recycling technology, has appointed both a new Chief Executive and Head of Cementitious Sales in response to unprecedented international interest in its world-class beneficiation technology.
Published 09 December 2009

RockTron's breakthrough in beneficiation - transforming coal-fired power station waste, (fly ash or PFA - pulverised fuel ash) into valuable eco-minerals on an industrial scale with no waste stream, has captured the imagination of the energy, manufacturing and environmental industries. The opening of their new UK plant (equivalent in size to Wembley Stadium) at Fiddler's Ferry, near Widnes in Cheshire caused a media storm when it was announced that it would produce 800,000 tonnes of recycled, eco-minerals every year for the next 20 years!

Interest has flooded in from Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and the US. Simon Smith has been appointed RockTron's new Chief Executive and is already implementing some dramatic plans to roll out RockTron's new technology on a global scale. He has appointed Andy Littler, as Head of Cementitious Sales and set up a new division for RockTron's Advanced Products, headed up by Godfrey Short.

Simon Smith joined RockTron in August 2009. He brings a wealth of experience in engineering and business management, primarily with ICI and in management consulting with process industry clients across Europe. He has an MA in Engineering Science from Oxford University and is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with a wide range of experience in projects and engineering in process industries.

"RockTron is ahead of anyone else in the world with its ability to take what amounts to an extremely abundant waste material, which usually ends up largely in landfill sites and make it into something valuable. We have the knowhow, technology, products and people to give these markets what they have always wanted. The challenge now is to educate the market place and deliver!"

Simon Smith, RockTron Chief Executive

Andy Littler, Head of Cementitious Sales is a geologist and chartered mineral processing engineer with published technical papers on silica sand and hydraulic classification in mineral process plants. He is also the author of "Sand and Gravel Production", an internationally recognised textbook for the Institute of Quarrying qualifications. He has held a variety of operational, commercial and director level roles in the UK quarrying, asphalt, concrete, industrial sand and construction products industries over the past 30 years, working mainly for Hanson and Tarmac. As Executive Director of Tarmac Topblock and Industrial Products he managed the company's concrete and aircrete block, bagged aggregates, cementitious, industrial sand and sports sand activities.

"RockTron is at the cutting edge of our industry, revolutionising and redefining the sources and uses of pozzolanic cementitious materials, which offer manufacturers increasing commercial advantages over conventional raw materials. I feel privileged to join such a dynamic new business at such an exciting time."

Andy Littler, Head of Cementitious Sales

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