Energy & Environment Industry Today

Lantra Awarded New Status From Ofqual

Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based industries, announced today (30 November) that it has been awarded a new status that will help ensure the sector has a say on its qualifications.
Published 07 December 2009

Lantra is amongst some of the first Sector Skills Councils to be recognised as a unit submitting body by the qualifications and examinations regulator Ofqual. This achievement will be beneficial for all businesses as it helps ensure the content of qualifications are developed in line with their requirements.

Liz Pridgeon, Lantra's Development Manager for Standards and Qualifications, said: "Lantra works closely with environmental and land-based industries, providers and awarding organisations to develop units of learning, as part of the new Qualifications and Credit Framework. These units of learning are developed using National Occupational Standards, which identify the skills, knowledge and understanding an individual needs to carry out their job effectively."

Liz continues: "Our new status builds on Lantra's experience of submitting units as part of the change over to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and will ensure that the content of qualifications is developed from the business perspective. The QCF is a flexible framework that is used by awarding organisations to develop nationally recognised qualifications so businesses will be able to pick and mix learning to suit their needs."

Liz adds: "Lantra's new unit submitting body status will prove to be a really positive step for environmental and land-based businesses, as it will allow for qualifications to reflect modern business practices. It is a great accomplishment to be awarded this status, as it is usually reserved for awarding organisations."

If you want to find out more about National Occupational Standards, the new Qualifications and Credit Framework, or would like to take part in consultations to help industry get the most out of the skills system, please visit email or call 0845 707 8007.

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