Energy & Environment Industry Today

How justified is the use of solar panels for residential/ commercial purpose?

There has been a profound demand for solar panels and other related solar energy products in the market. This in other way can also help in combating the complicacy related to the depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution. But apart from environmental and resource concerns, what are the other factors that justify the use of solar energy products? Here they are:
Published 26 April 2013

There has been a profound demand for solar panels and other related solar energy products in the market. This in other way can also help in combating the complicacy related to the depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution. But apart from environmental and resource concerns, what are the other factors that justify the use of solar energy products? Here they are:

Electricity is saved!

It is needless to say that residential/ commercial use of solar products, save electricity. This is one of the vehement reasons for installing solar panels. Nevertheless, during summer season it becomes absolutely difficult to buy electricity. Ask any town dweller, and you would know the problems associated with electricity during the peak of summer. Moreover, solar powers are much cheaper than grid powers. Use of solar powers can dramatically reduce the electricity bills and with the saved money one can even plan a different budget for the household or for the business. What makes the wide use of commercial and residential solar products more beneficial is the high return of investment associated with it! Installation of solar panels returns 10-30 per cent of the investment and also ensures to be one of the best long term savings strategies.

They ensure independence and security
In an era where the chief non renewable energy sources are on the verge of extinct, solar energy products can definitely give a sense of relief and security to the use of energy. Solar products stand parallel to the vulnerable volatile energy sources like coal, petroleum and natural gas, as a long term energy source. Adding more to the benefits, use of residential and commercial solar energy products generates comparatively more energy than their non renewable counterparts. Most importantly they help in the reduced emission of greenhouse gases, thus protecting ozone and the environment.

Market status of solar energy products
Therefore, using this clean and abundant energy source is definitely required during the recent time, where there is growing depletion of non renewable energy source. The teeming population and in the same proportion, the growing number of vehicles, demand the use of volatile petroleum products. Since many years, the rampant use of these energy sources has lessened their abundance (which was presumed many years back). As it goes, "Every cloud has a silver lining", solar energy stands as a silver lining for the humanity, when it is one the verge of dilemma, whether to conserve the coal and petroleum products for the future, or to feed them to the demands of the present. In either of the case, there was a need to cut down the current usage of the petroleum products. Nowadays, market is flooded with solar energy products. People are being aware of the utility and benefits imparted by the use of solar products, both for a residential and a commercial purpose. While sophisticated solar panels are the best for residential purpose, wholesale solar panels are much suitable for commercial purpose, where it is usually required in bulks.


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