Electrical Industry Today
Accurate & simple to use electrical estimating software in the UK, provided by Ensign
At Ensign we are dedicated to providing our clients with the most advanced, simple to use and accurate electrical estimating software in the UK.
Ensign's Electrical Estimating Software is proven to dramatically increase the rate at which you can turn around a tender and do so with the highest possible accuracy. We do this by ensuring that every client has the system set-up in advance of training and delivery. Whether you need to price sockets, cable, conduit etc. with Ensign it's simple and quick. With the system set-up we look to provide personal training for you and your company, in this way we ensure that your requirements are taken into consideration. No two electrical contractors are the same and there are many ways in which we can ensure best practice for your preferences. Once training has taken place our clients benefit from first class support and feature rich updates.
As a day-to-day tool the Ensign Electrical Pricing Software is simple, yet comprehensive. It can provide you with as much or as little information about your bid as you require which you can print or put into another format such as Excel, Word or PDF. It will provide you the base cost for you to take on that contract and what it means in terms of labour, materials, bought-outs, contract costing etc. You will be able to mark-up a job in a multitude of possible ways to give you your profit on the job and produce bills, like schedules of rates. Most importantly we want to ensure that our users are operating a simple to use, non-confusing program where estimates of any size can be built up quickly and accurately.
One of the many ways we do this is through the use of kits or composites. Instead of trying to find all components required for conduit, distribution board etc. We have put together the commonly used kits to ensure that from day 1 you can estimate quickly and accurately. Our kits will calculate all materials and labour required and we encourage our clients to provide suggestions for more so that the whole community of users can benefit from each other’s good ideas – just another way that Ensign is unique in its approach to efficient, innovative electrical estimating. No matter what type of work you are being asked to price Ensign's Electrical Estimating Software will help. For example; whether you are being asked to price specified products or it’s a design and build project, our users can find the components they are looking for quickly. Users can sort by manufacturer first e.g. Legrand or product types first e.g. cable tray - either way it all adds up to quicker, hassle-free estimating.
Adding specials like luminaries is as simple as inputting into an excel spread-sheet, and what’s more Ensign’s Electrical Pricing Software will remember those prices should you need them in another estimate! Adding specials and sub-contract items is just as straightforward.
Ensign guarantees that the system is easy to use, so how do we do this? An example would be how to navigate to find what you want quickly. Unlike other systems we rely upon being able to navigate using 2 simple buttons which are always to be found in the same place no matter where you are – These buttons are quite simply labelled ‘Continue’ and ‘Back’! Yet above all Ensign's Electrical Estimating Software UK will ensure you have reached the right price for the right contract, quickly. And if you are expecting Ensign's services and benefits to cost you the earth, you needn't worry, the system is extremely affordable - just ask the thousands of contractors that have relied on us over the years.
For more information on this and other systems please contact us using the details on the 'support' page.
About Ensign
Ensign is the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and provider of take-off and estimating solutions designed to give building services contractors the ability to increase their estimating volumes and accuracy. Since 1980 Ensign has been delivering these benefits to Ductwork, Insulation, Mechanical and Electrical contractors in the UK and worldwide.
For more information on Ensign Electrical Estimating Software, visit our website: ensignonline.co.uk
Ensign Advanced Systems Ltd
Ensign House
56 Regent Road
0116 254 9444
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