Construction Industry Today
Stroma Certification 'Bridge' the Gap of Part L Compliance with Thermal Modelling Training
With the introduction of revised Building Regulations Part L 2010, the calculation and assessment of thermal bridge performance will have greater impact than ever before. Linear thermal bridges and associated Ψ Values previously inserted by default, are now required to be accurately calculated in order to receive the maximum benefit, thus all details will require modelling.
Stroma Certification is working closely with the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) to provide an Accredited Construction Details (ACD) scheme, encapsulating the certified Thermal Modeller scheme. Thermal modelling training is now available as a 4-day course and essential for energy assessors when calculating Standard Assessment Procedures (SAP) and Simplified Building Energy Models (SBEM) reports.
Once trained candidates are invited to join Stroma's accredited Modeller Scheme. Stroma Certification's training will enable thermal performance modellers to create calculations of thermal performance to recognised standards and conventions. Moreover, competent at calculating thermal transmittance values (Ψ Values), temperature factors (f) and elemental U-Values.
Upon completion of Stroma's Thermal Modelling training and portfolio submission, candidates will be able to demonstrate competence in modelling construction details in commonly occurring and complex thermal bridges located in all types of buildings. Additionally, modelled details will be verified and compiled within Stroma Certification's ACD scheme, which allows usage when conducting the Part L calculations.
Thermal bridge software will directly link the U, ƒ and Ψ value calculations into Stroma's CLG approved FSAP 2009 software, thus saving time and laborious cross-referencing. The accredited scheme is due to be launched in Spring 2011 inline with developments by CLG. To find out more about Stroma Certification's service offering, call 0845 621 11 11.
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